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Hendri Faisal
Muhammad Andry
Hanafis Sastra Winata
Yuli Cahyani Panjaitan

Page: 361-374


Background: Forest cinnamon (Cinnamomum iners) Reinw. Ex Ness & T. Ness Blume has been used traditionally to kill microorganisms, diarrhea and dismonere. Forest cinnamon contains compounds that act as antioxidants, including flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and phenolics. The antioxidant effects of vitamin C, E, carotene, and phenolic compounds (especially polyphenols and flavonoids) can potentially reduce the risk of degenerative diseases. Objective: compounds from forest cinnamon roots and determine the yield based on the level of polarity to DPPH with the IC50 value. Method; eksperimental di laboratorium yaitu melakukan percobaan terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak akar kayu manis hutan (Cinnamomum Iners) dengan Metode DPPH (1,1- difenil -2 pikrihidrazil). Penelitian meliputi pengumpulan akar kayu manis hutan, pembuatan ekstrak akar kayu manis hutan, uji skrining fitokimia terhadap akar kayu manis hutan, dan uji antioksidan dari ekstrak akar kayu manis hutan dengan Metode penangkalan radikal bebas DPPH (1,1-difenil –2 pikrihidrazil) menggunakan alat spektrofotometer. Results: The antioxidant activity of the ethanol solvent showed a very strong category, the ethyl acetate solvent showed medium category activity, and the n-hexane solvent showed weak category antioxidant activity. The average IC50 value of ethanol extract was 9.1 ppm, ethyl acetate extract was 77.58 ppm, and n-hexane extract was 185.08. Conclusion: forest cinnamon root (Cinnamomum Iners) Reinw. Ex Ness & T. Ness Blume has strong antioxidant activity in ethanol solvents.


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Faisal , H., Andry, M., Winata, H. S., & Panjaitan, Y. C. (2023). Test of antioxidant activity of reinw’s ethanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane extracts of forest cinnamon (Cinnamomum Iners) roots. EX Nees & T. Nees Blume by DPPH method. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Sciences, 6(5), 361–374.
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