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Nadiyah Ulfa
Henry Purbowo Sintoro
Prajogo Wibowo
Ronald Pratama Adiwinoto

Page: 43-50


Hypertension, a widespread global health issue, significantly contributes to the burden of non-communicable diseases. Its escalating prevalence globally and in Indonesia necessitates a comprehensive understanding of associated lifestyle patterns. This study, conducted at Pamolokan Health Center in Sumenep City District, Sumenep Regency, in 2023, focuses on the lifestyles of hypertensive patients. Globally, hypertension affects a substantial portion of the population, impacting public health significantly. In Indonesia, the prevalence of hypertension has steadily risen, prompting a focused examination of contributing factors. Among 85 hypertensive respondents, those aged 36-45 comprised 74.12%, with females constituting 76.67%. Hypertension severity varied, with 55.29% experiencing grade 1 hypertension. The study assessed lifestyle components, revealing 23.53% smoking, 67.06% favouring salty foods, 52.94% consuming fatty foods, 58.82% indulging in coffee, and 35.29% reporting regular physical activity. Understanding the lifestyle patterns of hypertensive patients is crucial for devising targeted interventions. This study's findings illuminate the interplay between age, gender, hypertension severity, and lifestyle choices. Insights contribute to the hypertension management and prevention discourse, emphasising the imperative of tailored public health strategies to address this global health challenge.


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How to Cite
Ulfa, N., Purbowo Sintoro, H., Wibowo, P., & Pratama A., R. (2024). Lifestyle description of hypertensive patients in the Pamolokan health center of Sumenep city district of Sumenep regency in 2023 . Journal of Pharmaceutical and Sciences, 7(1), 43–50.
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