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Muharni Saputri
Salmah Handayani Lubis
Fenny Hasanah
Siti Muliani Julianty
Muflihah Fujiko
Ernawaty Ginting
Anggi Salsabilah Nasution
Kiki Mariana Batubara

Page: 1380-1385


One of the medicinal plants that has the effect of reducing obesity is the sintrong plant. This plant has tannins, saponins, polyphenols, and flavonoids so that it can reduce blood glucose levels as an antidiabetic effect and can reduce weight. The purpose of this study was to see the occurrence of weight loss in test animals by administering ethanol extract of sintrong leaves and to find out whether the different doses of sintrong leaves can reduce body weight in male white rats. The research method was carried out experimentally, then testing the effectiveness of the ethanol extract of sintrong leaves using 25 rats which were divided into groups I to V with varying doses of 250 mg, 500 mg, and 750 mg, and carried out statistically by the Tukey method. The results of this acquisition when compared with the comparison group are not much different. Based on the result obtained, group V was given a suspension of ethanol extract of sintrong leaves at a dose of 750 mg/kgBW and the comparison group was given orlistat haven’t significant difference based on a statistical test with α > 0.05 so it could be concluded that there was a decrease in body weight in rats after administration of ethanol extract of sintrong leaves at a dose of 750mg/kgBW.


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How to Cite
Saputri, M., Lubis, S. H., Hasanah, F., Julianty, S. M., Fujiko, M., Ginting, E., Nasution, A. S., & Batubara, K. M. (2023). Effect of sintrong leaf ethanol extract (Crassocephalum Crepidioides) on weight loss of male white rats. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Sciences, 6(3), 1380–1385.
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