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Neri Fadjria
Dewi Nofita
Mazaya Fadhila

Page: 46-51


In this study was aimed at identifying active substances that can be used as antibacterial agents. To reach this target, different solvent extracts (n-hexane and methanol) of microalgae strain Scenedesmus sp. AUMA-020 were examined. Phytochemical screening of n-hexane extract from microalgae strain Scenedesmus sp. AUMA-020 showed the presence of terpenoids and saponins, while methanol extracts contained flavonoids, phenolics, steroids, terpenoins and saponins. N-hexane extract has strong antibacterial activity compared to methanol extract. Both extracts isolates showed no antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli bacteria. In conclusion, the studied microalgae strain Scenedesmus sp. AUMA-020 can be considered as a potential natural source of bioactive compounds with antibacterial activity.


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How to Cite
Fadjria, N., Arfiandi, A., Nofita, D., & Fadhila, M. (2023). SCREENING PHYTOCHEMICALS AND ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF MICROALGAE STRAIN Scenedesmus sp. AUMA-020. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Sciences, 6(1), 46–51.
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