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Nurul Alfiyani

Page: 388-392


U groh shells and coir (Cocos nucifera L) have the potential as antioxidants. This study aimed to evaluate the IC50 value of young coconut ethanol extract as an antioxidant. The DPPH technique was used for extraction and antioxidant activity testing at concentrations of 6.25;12.5; 25; 50, and 100 ppm. The ethanol extracts of young coconut shell and coir generated antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 11.811 ppm and 42.483 ppm, respectively, and were classified as very active (50 ppm). As a result, young coconut shells and coir can be used as an antioxidant source.


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How to Cite
Misrahanum, M., Alfiyani, N., & Murniana , M. (2023). Activity Antioxidant Ethanol Extract U Groh (Cocos nucifera L.) with DPPH Method. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Sciences, 6(2), 388–392.
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