Testing the Effectiveness of Ethanol Extract from Pandan Laeves (Pandanus amarylifolius Roxb) As a Healer of Incision Wounds in White Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
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Page: 974-979
An incision is a wound that splits the skin area due to being cut by a sharp object. Indonesian people use medicinal plants very much in traditional or modern medicine. One of the plants that can be used as a medicinal ingredient is fragrant pandan leaves which can accelerate the wound healing process. This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of pandan leaf extract as a healer for cuts. This study used 15 white rats which were then slashed on their backs using a 1 cm long scalpel with a depth of ± 2 mm. This study used a laboratory experiment using a completely randomized design consisting of 5 treatment groups, including 1 negative control, positive control (10 percent povidone iodine) and 3 graded concentrations, namely pandan leaf extract concentrations of 5.10 to 15 percent with 2 each. repetition times. The results of measuring the length of the wound in rats showed that fragrant pandan leaf extract with a concentration of 10 percent and 15 percent had the same effectiveness.
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