

grape skin
Vitis vinifera L.
lipstick components

How to Cite

salman, salman, & Indriana, M. (2022). SKIN EXTRACT OF GRAPE (Vitis vinifera L) AS DYES IN LIPSTICK FORMULATION. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(1), 1-11.
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Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) belong to the family Vitaceae. The color of the fruit varies. There are red, green and purple. The color of this wine contains anthocyanin dyes that can be used as natural dyes to replace synthetic dyes, the colors they contain are pretty intensive, so the researchers aimed to make lipstick formulations using natural dyes from grape skins. The lipstick formulation consisted of Cera alba, lanolin, vaseline alba, cetyl alcohol, oleum ricini, carnauba wax, propylene glycol, titanium dioxide, oleum rosae, butylhydroxytoluene, tween 80, and nipagin, as well as the addition of grape skin extract with a concentration of 15 %, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35%. Tests on the preparations made include inspection of homogeneity, melting point, lipstick strength, stability test against changes in shape, color, and odor during 30 days of storage at room temperature, smear test, pH examination, and irritation test preference test (Hedonic test). From the research results, grape skin extract can be formulated into lipstick preparations with pink to dark red colors. Lipstick preparations with grape skin extract as a dye are pretty stable, homogeneous, melting point 59°C, have good lipstick strength, pH ranges from 3.7 to 3.9 (close to the pH of the lip skin) are easy to apply with an even color, and do not irritate. Irritation the preparation preferred by 30 panelists was preparation with a concentration of 25%.


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