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Dutch teak leaves
White rat

How to Cite

Lubis, S., Saputri, M., Hasanah, N., & Indriana, M. (2021). THE EFFECT GIVING OF DUTCH TEAK LEAF KOMBUCHA TEA (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk) AGAINST REDUCTION BLOOD TRIGLYCERIDE LEVELS OF WHITE RATS MALE (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 4(2), 41-52.
Abstract viewed = 134 times
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Kombucha tea is high in antioxidants and can help reduce triglyceride levels by increasing the lipoprotein lipase enzyme activity to break down triglycerides. Previous studies have shown that giving Guazuna ulmifolia can reduce blood lipid levels because the content of tannins and mucilage can reduce fat absorption. This study aimed to determine the effect of giving kombucha tea leaves of Dutch teak to reduce blood triglyceride (TGD) levels of white male rats. This research method is experimental, including material collection, simplicia, phytochemical screening, kombucha fermentation of Dutch teak leaves, evaluating the quality of the preparation, testing triglyceride levels in rats with Electrode Based Biosensor technique. A total of 25 rats were divided into five groups; there is simvastatin its positive control (P1); negative control its blank (P2); the treatment group for teak kombucha tea leaves are 100 ml consecutively (P3); 150ml (P4); 200 ml (P5) induced using 80% egg yolk and 0.2% propiniltiourasil (PTU). This research method is experimental, including material collection, making simplicia, phytochemical screening, kombucha fermentation of Dutch teak leaves, evaluation of the quality of preparations, testing of triglyceride levels in rats with Electrode-Based Biosensor technique. This study was divided into 5 (five) groups, namely: P1; P2; P3, P4 and P5, administered orally to 25 rats that had been induced using 80% egg yolk and propinylthiouracil (PTU 0.2%). This study was divided into 5 groups, namely positive control simvastatin 0.025% given 1.44 ml (P1); negative control its (blank) was given as much as 3.6 ml (P2); Dutch teak leaf kombucha tea treatment group was given 100 ml/gBW in a row as much as 1.8 ml (P3); 150 ml/gBW was given as much as 2.7 ml (P4); 200 ml/gBW was given as much as 3.6 ml (P5).The results showed that in the 200 ml treatment group (P5) on day 7 to day 15, there was a decrease in TGD levels from 246.8 mg/dL to 93 ml/dL where this result was close to the positive control number (P1) of 238.6 mg/dL to 84 mg/dL. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis statistical test were p=0.98 (p>0.05), meaning that there was no significant difference between the test groups on the triglyceride levels obtained. The results showed that in the 200 ml treatment group (P5) on day 7 to day 15, there was a decrease in the TGD levels from 246.8 mg/dL to 93 ml/dL with the percentage reduction in triglycerides obtained by 37.68%, where these results close to the positive control number (P1) from 238.6 mg/dL to 84 mg/dL with the percentage reduction in triglycerides obtained by 35.20%. In testing triglyceride levels in the experimental group, different results were obtained in each experimental group The results of testing the triglyceride levels obtained, then carried out statistical tests in the form of non-parametric using the Khurskal Wallis method, from the test results obtained p = 0.098 (p = 0.05) which indicates that the data is normally distributed
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