Selection of Scabicide in Treating Scabies
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Sarcoptes scabiei
Neglected tropical disease

How to Cite

Trasia, R. F. (2020). Selection of Scabicide in Treating Scabies. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 3(2), 58-63.
Abstract viewed = 264 times
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded = 205 times


Scabies is a skin infection caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei mite. In 2017, WHO included scabies in the list of neglected tropical diseases. Treatment of scabies is currently still having problems due to incorrect drug selection. The difficulty of diagnosing scabies has made the drugs prescribed were not appropriate. The purpose of this article is to discuss the types of scabicide that can be used and to review the advantages and disadvantages of using them. Scabies can be treated with scabies, such as sulfur presipitatum, gamma benzene hexachloride, benzyl benzoate, crotamitone, permethrin, ivermectin, and herbal therapy. Of these several scabies, permethrin is the most widely used drug due to its higher efficacy. It is hoped that this article will become a reference for clinicians in choosing the right scabicide for patients.
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