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Noni Leaf
Ethanol Extract

How to Cite

maulina, syarifah, sari, nurmala, & hamsi, fadhillah. (2022). ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY LEAVES OF MENGKUDU (Morinda Citrifolia L.) SKIN EXTRACT IN SERUM PREPARATION WITH DPPH METHOD. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 346-354.
Abstract viewed = 18 times
pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded = 23 times


The leaves of mengkudu is a native plant from Indonesia that contains flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant activity so that is beneficial for the skin. This research was conducted using the escperimental method and used test materials  for ethanol extract of the leaves of the subdued by the maceration method, formulated into serum preparations in various concentrations, namely 3%, 4%, 5% and blanks, and physical quality examination of the preparations. The results of the ph test showed a ph 6,3-6,5. Serum bath results at an F3 concentration (5%) which is the preferred (best) preparation. The results of the 6% moisture content test, the results of obtaining 10,3% leaf extract. It has antioxidant activity including the (strong) category with an IC50 value of 50.40. Testing the antioxidant activity of the ethanol extract of the leaves of mengkudu (morinda citrifolia L.) belongs to the category (very strong) with an IC50 value 44.27 μg / mL, the antioxidant activity of the blanks of serum preparations including the category (inactive) with an IC50 value of 676.49 μg / mL, and all serums of this purifying leaf extract do not cause irritation to the skin.
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