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Clitoria ternatea L
telang flower

How to Cite

maulina, syarifah, sihotang, supran, & mukharomah, S. (2022). ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY TEST OF TELANG FLOWER (Clitoria ternatea L.) IN SERUM PREPARATION WITH DPPH METHOD. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 394-403.
Abstract viewed = 25 times
pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded = 12 times



Telang flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) is a plant that contains flavonoid compounds with very high antioxidant activity. Antioxidants have small molecular weights that are able to counteract the formation of free radicals in the body so that they can inhibit cell damage. This study used an experimental method, using the test material of telang flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) by maceration using pro-analytical ethanol as solvent. This study begins with sample preparation which includes plant sampling, identification of telang flower plants (Clitoria ternatea L.), phytochemical screening, then processing of simplicia powder, making ethanol extract, selecting the basic formula for serum preparations, determining the formulation of modified serum bases and making serum preparations of telang flower ethanol extract (Clitoria ternatea L.) in various dosage concentrations, namely 3%; 4%; 5%; and blanks, physical quality checks and antioxidant activity tests. The results showed that telang flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) in the form of ethanol extract can be formulated into serum dosage forms, is a homogeneous, stable and non-irritating preparation of the skin with a pH range shortly after being made 5.9-6.1 and pH after testing. stability (Cycling test) 5.4-5.7.



Keywoard :Clitoria ternatea L.; telang flower; serum; antioxidant; DPPH
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