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Albedo Watermelon
Citrulline; Aphrodisiac
Pasak Bumi herbal medicine

How to Cite

Gunawan, M., Saputri, M., & Sari, S. (2020). APHRODISIAC EFFECTIVENESS TEST ETHANOL EXTRACT ALBEDO (MESOCARP) WATER MELON (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumura & Nakai) ON Mice (Mus musculus). Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 3(1), 42-50. https://doi.org/10.36490/journal-jps.com.v3i1.43
Abstract viewed = 1361 times
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded = 245 times


Sexual dysfunction is a condition where sexual intercourse is difficult. Sexual dysfunction includes erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation and disorders of desire (libido). One of the ways to overcome sexual disorders is by using aphrodisiac. Aphrodisiac is a kind of stimulating substance that can increase sex drive. One of the fruits that has an aphrodisiac effect is watermelon, precisely on the white layer on the skin that contains citrulline. This study aims to determine the aphrodisiac potential and the number of effective doses of watermelon albedo (mesocarp) ethanol extract (WAEE) against mice using ICC (Introducing, Climbing and Coitus). This research is an experimental study using 30 mice and divided into 5 groups. Group I (negative control) CMC 0.5%; group II (positive control) Pasak Bumi herbal medicine; group III; IV; V WAEE at a dose of 7; 13; and 27 g / kgBB. The mice were given orally and the ICC intensity was calculated. ICC intensity was statistically analyzed using the One Way ANOVA method and Duncan's Post-Hoc test using SPSS 24.0. The results of the ICC intensity statistical test between the Pasak Bumi herbal medicine and EEAS groups showed no significant difference with a value of α> 0.05. From the results of the study it can be concluded that EEAS has the potential as an aphrodisiac in mice with the most effective dose of 13 g / kgBW.

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