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Rambusa leaves

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saputri, muharni, Sudewi, S., Karimah, N., & Nadia, S. (2021). SEDATIVE EFFECT TEST OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF RAMBUSA (Passiflora foetida L.) LEAVES TO MALE MICE (Mus musculus). Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 4(2), 93-100.
Abstract viewed = 145 times
pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded = 115 times


A common sleep disorder is insomnia, which occurs when a person has difficulty sleeping. One way to deal with insomnia is by giving sedative-hypnotic drugs. One of the plants used as ingredients in traditional medicine is the Rambusa (Passiflora foetida L.) plant. The ethanol extract of rambusa leaves contains alkaloid compounds, saponins, tannins, and steroids. These compounds can provide a sedative effect. This research was conducted to determine the sedative effect of rambusa leaf extract (Passiflora foetida L.) on mice (Mus musculus). This research is an experimental study with a maceration extraction method using 30 mice and divided into 5 groups. Group I (negative control) CMC 0.5%, group II (positive control) Diazepam, groups III, IV, V (treatment) of ethanol extract of rambusa leaves with a dose of 0.16 g / kgBB, 0.34 g / kgBB, 0, 68 g / kgBB. Giving to mice orally and observing body turning reflex, turning time and falling time using the Traction Test. The sedative effect test for each group was statistically analyzed using the SPSS 18.0 Post-Hoc Duncan test method. The results of the One Way ANOVA statistical test showed a significant difference between the treatment groups and the value P=0.000 (P<0.05). In Duncan's Post-Hoc test, doses II and III were not significantly different from diazepam. Doses II and III had the same sedative effect as diazepam. So it can be concluded that the ethanol extract of Rambusa leaves has a sedative effect.
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