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Green okra
Visible spectrophotometry

How to Cite

Saputri, M., Gunawan, M., & Maghfirah, M. (2019). DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHORUS CONTENT IN GREEN OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) USING VISIBLE SPECTROPHOTOMETRY. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 1(1), 39-44.
Abstract viewed = 626 times
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Green Okra is one vegetable that contains minerals is quite high. One such mineral is phosphorus, which is an essential mineral needed for growth and repair of cells in the body. This study aims to determine the levels of phosphorus in raw green okra, steamed, and stew as commonly consumed by people. The research method using wet digestion analysis and measurement with visible spectrophotometry with the addition of phosphorus reagent color developer which is a mixture ammonium molibdat 4%, ascorbic acid 0.1 N, antimonil potassium tartrate, and 5N sulfuric acid produces a blue color and is measured at a wavelength of 722, 50 nm with the working time in the 30th minute to the 38th minute. Levels of phosphorus obtained from raw green okra 62.115 mg / 100 g, steamer 60.130 mg / 100 g,
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