Determination of calcium and potassium levels in broccoli (Brassica Oleracea.L) fresh and boiled by atomic absorption spectrophotometry
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Calcium and Potassium Levels
Broccoli Fresh And Steamed
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

How to Cite

Indriati, I., Jalung, F., & Pane, H. W. (2021). Determination of calcium and potassium levels in broccoli (Brassica Oleracea.L) fresh and boiled by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 4(2), 122-128.
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Background; Test for nutrient K (potassium) which plays a relatively large and important role in plant growth and development. This nutrient test can be carried out with many methods that are constantly evolving. One of them is testing the element of potassium by using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The sample used in the analysis of potassium nutrients is in the form of a solution. Objectives; Judging from the way it is consumed broccoli both fresh and boiled, this research aims to determine the levels of calcium and potassium in fresh and boiled broccoli. Method; The principle of analysis using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) is based on the energy absorption process carried out by atoms that are at the ground state level. Absorption of energy by these atoms will result in the excitation of electrons in the atomic shells to a higher energy level (excited state). Absorbance readings for each standard series solution were carried out using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (SSA) instrument at a wavelength (λ) of 766.9 nm for 3 repetitions. Based on the results obtained, the Limit of Quantification (LOQ) values ​​using the instrument and calibration curve were 0.0149 mg/L and 8.6048 mg/L. Results; These results can be said to be good because the data results in ideal precision and accuracy, so the minimum concentration used is 0.0161 mg/L with the instrument and 8.6048 mg/L with the calibration curve. The results showed the level of calcium in broccoli is (8,4047 ±1,0526) mg/100 gr and the steam of broccoli is (7,8248 ±0,0427) mg/100gr. Level of potassium in fresh broccoli (1385,0113 ±504,3401) mg/100 gr and steamed broccoli for (832,4723 ±109,7511) mg/100 gr. Conclusion; The percentage reduction in calcium levels in broccoli after boiling was 5.76% while the potassium content was 42.65%, so it can be concluded that the calcium and potassium content in fresh broccoli is significantly higher than boiled broccoli.
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