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Jelly candy
Citrofortunella microcarpa

How to Cite

Sari, D., & dominica, dwi. (2022). HEDONIC TEST AND pH EVALUATION OF JELLY CANDY FROM KALAMANSI (Citrofortunella microcarpa). Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 181-186. https://doi.org/10.36490/journal-jps.com.v5i2.114
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Background : Kalamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) is one of the agricultural commodities that has been widely developed in Bengkulu Province. Kalimansi which contain high levels of Vitamin C of 3.863 mg/100 g but have a sour taste so that they are not good for direct consumption. This prompted researchers to make Kalamansi in the form of jelly candy which is one type of product that is favored by various ages, especially children. This study aims to evaluate the pH and perform a hedonic test on the preparation of kalamansi jelly candy. The methodology used in this study is experimental. The pH test results on the 3 formulas obtained that the pH of the preparations was 3.6 (F1), 3.4 (F2) and 3.7 (F3). The hedonic test on the three formulas tested on 10 panelists showed the hedonic value of the dosage form, respectively, namely F1 (76%), F2 (84%) and F3 (70%); color hedonic test F1(70%), F2 (84%) and F3 (74%); taste hedonic test F1 (82%), F2 (86%); and F3 (66%) and texture hedonic test F1 (80%), F2 (90%) and F3 (68%). The conclusion of the hedonic evaluation of the Kalamansi jelly candy preparation showed that F2 was the most preferred with a pH value of 3.2.

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