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Kalimansi orange juice
Jelly candy
Increased stamina

How to Cite

Dominica, D., & Shufyani, F. (2022). FORMULATION JELLY CANDY FROM KALIMANSI ORANGE (Citrofotunella microcarpa ) AS AN INCREASE IN BODY ENDURANCE. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(1), 136-145.
Abstract viewed = 58 times
pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded = 37 times


Background : In facing a lifestyle during a pandemic, endurance is one of the most important things to keep away from all kinds of diseases. The body's immune system has a very important role to keep the body healthy and able to support various activities. One of the pharmaceutical preparations that can be consumed by both children and adults in binding their immune system is jelly candy which is rich in vitamin C content. against white male mice (Mus musculus). Methodology: the method used in this study was experimental and continued with the swimming test. Results: after testing for 4 weeks on jelly candy, all jelly candy preparations had no significant changes, and after the one-way Anova test showed a significant difference in each group (p<0.5), which was continued by Duncan's test. then FIII with a concentration of 45% kalimansi orange is the best with swimming endurance time after treatment in group F III which consists of 3 data, the average value (mean) is 86.56 (95% CI: 79.77 – 93.35) , the standard deviation is 2.73, the lowest value is 84.10 and the highest value is 89.50. Then continued with FII and FI. Conclusion : Kalimansi orange juice can be made jelly candy and the best formulation of FIII
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