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Pharmaceutical Services

How to Cite

Dasopang, E., & Sari, I. (2019). CONSUMER PERCEPTION OF SERVICES PHARMACY IN BINJAI CITY. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 1(1), 23-31.
Abstract viewed = 527 times
PDF, (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded = 430 times


A pharmacy is a pharmacy service facility conducted by pharmacists. Pharmaceutical services a direct and responsible service to patients related to pharmaceutical preparations with the aim of achieving definite results to improve the quality of life of patients. This study aims to determine the pharmacy consumer's perception of pharmacy services and the level of customer satisfaction with the pharmacy services in Binjai City District. The method used in this study is descriptive survey research that is cross-sectional. The research data collection was carried out at the Pharmacy located in Binjai City District in June-July 2017. Samples taken were 313 people. Data analysis used Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) program with Chi Square test method. The test parameters in this study are reliability, responsiveness, confidence, empathy and tangible facilities. The results showed that the consumers' perceptions of Apotek on Pharmacy services in Binjai Kota District obtained an average of 36.45 of total customer satisfaction with a satisfied category. The results of the level of customer satisfaction in the pharmacy based on variables of reliability, responsiveness, confidence, empathy and tangible facilities are in the satisfied category of 77.3%, 78.6%, 53.0%, 71.9% and 83.1%. The results of the influence of the characteristics of age, education and consumer work on consumer satisfaction using the Chi Square Test showed a significant effect (P <0.05). Consumer perceptions of the pharmacy service in Binjai Kota District include the satisfied category. The level of consumer satisfaction with the pharmacy services in Binjai City District includes the satisfied category.
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