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Resident Flower
thin layer chromatography

How to Cite

Noviyanty, Y., & Linda, A. (2020). PROFILE OF PHYTOCHEMISTRY COMPOUNDS METABOLITE SECONDARY EXTRACT OF SOUTH FLOWER EXTRACT   (Melastoma malabathricum L). Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 3(1), 1-6.
Abstract viewed = 8941 times
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Indonesia is one of the countries that has a diversity of drugs in the world. Indonesia's tropical forest area has the second highest biodiversity in the world after Brazil. Plant (Melastoma malabathricum L) is one of the natural ingredients that can be used as traditional medicine. this study was to identify secondary metabolites contained in the extract of senduduk flower ethanol (Melastoma malabathricum L).Extraction was carried out by maceration using 96% ethanol for 7 days. The extraction obtained is then concentrated with a rotary evaporator. Secondary metabolite content was identified by flavonoid color reaction tested with Mg and HCL reagents, alkaloids were tested with mayer, dragendrof, and Wagner saponin tested by foam reaction, tannin was tested with Fecl3 reagent and triterpenoid / steroid was tested with anhydrous acetic acid reaction. Then the assertion test was carried out using thin layer chromatography (TLC).The results showed that a positive color change was shown in the presence of flavonoids, tannins, and saponins, and based on the results of the assertion test, the pleated layer chromatography test (TLC) showed positive results of flavonoids, saponins.
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