Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Of Mulberry Leaves (Morus alba L.) Extract On Lotion


: Mulberry Leaves (Morus Alba L.)
Ethanol Extract
Free Radicals

How to Cite

Hanum, S., & Alfarabi, S. (2022). Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Of Mulberry Leaves (Morus alba L.) Extract On Lotion. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 479-487.
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Background; Air pollution and unhealthy lifestyles can cause increasing the number of free radicals in the body. These free radicals are very dangerous for skin. To protect the body from free radical attack, antioxidants are needed. Mulberry leaf (Morus alba L.) is a plant commonly grown in yard, garden, and roadside which contains active compounds, namely alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and terpenoids which act as antioxidants. Objective; The study aimed to phtochemical screening and the antioxidant activity of mulberry leaf (Morus alba L.) extract which was formulated in a lotion dosage form. Method; This research was a laboratory experimental research with the extraction method used maceration with 96% ethanol as solvent. The test for antioxidant activity was carried out by the DPPH method using vitamin C as a standard of comparison with the measurement of the absorbance value using UV-Visible spectrophotometry at a maximum wavelength of 515 nm. Determined by the value of% inhibition, linear regression equation, and IC50 value in ethanol extract samples of Mulberry Leaves (Morus alba L.). Result; The results showed that the ethanol extract of Mulberry Leaves (Morus alba L.) had good inhibitory power against free radicals and had an IC50 value of 16.638 ppm. Then the ethanol extract of mulberry leaves (Morus alba L.) was formulated in the form of lotions with various concentrations of 0.02%, 0.04%, and 0.06%. Conclusion; Wherefrom the test results obtained the best inhibitory power, namely lotion with an extract concentration of 0.06% with an IC50 value of 28.858 ppm..


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