The Use of Glucose Syrup as Product of Selulosa Hidrolyze from the Jackfruit Rags (Artocarpus heterophylus Lamk) as Sweetner on Candies Production from the Coconut Plam (Cocos Nucifera L)
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jackfruit rags
glucose syrups

How to Cite

Sari, N. (2019). The Use of Glucose Syrup as Product of Selulosa Hidrolyze from the Jackfruit Rags (Artocarpus heterophylus Lamk) as Sweetner on Candies Production from the Coconut Plam (Cocos Nucifera L). Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 2(1), 17-23.
Abstract viewed = 792 times
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Research on the influence of polysaccharides from the jackfruit rags (Artocarpus Heterophyllus Lamk) on the content of glucose syrups on hydrolyzing with HCl 30% has been done. A sample has got with simple random sampling. The cellulose was isolated from the seeds of rags. The cellulose was hydrolyzed by HCl 30% to produce glucose syrups. The content was analyzed by the Nelson-Somogyi method and calculated by regression analysis. The results of analysis show that the content of glucose syrups from the cellulose from the jackfruit rags were 2.47%.


Keywords: cellulose, jackfruit rags, glucose syrups, Hydrolysis
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