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Bovine (Bos sp.)
Transparent Soap

How to Cite

Zebua, N., Sudewi, S., & Prihatini, M. (2019). FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF TRANSPARENT SOAP FROM BONE COW COLLAGEN (Bos sp.) AS MOISTURIZER. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 2(1), 1-9.
Abstract viewed = 836 times
PDF, (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded = 779 times


Collagen is one of the proteins that make up the body or the organic structure that builds bones, teeth, joints, muscles, and skin. Collagen is very often used by the community because it is to maintain healthy skin and maintain skin elasticity. This study aims to determine collagen from bovine bones can be formulated into transparent soap preparations. Bovine bone collagen (Bos sp.) was extracted by immersion using 1N NaOH. The production of transparent soap formulas in several concentrations is 0.5%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5% collagen. The bovine bone collagen yield was obtained 27.5%. Collagen in a variety of concentrations produces different colors and the ability to moisturize the skin. Bovine bone collagen (Bos sp.) was formulated in transparent soap preparations from bovine bone collagen (Bos sp.) with a concentration of 0.5% including the category "moist" and transparent soap preparation from bovine bone collagen (Bos sp.) 1% , 2.5%, and 5% including the category of "very humid" and the results of testing on volunteers showed that transparent soap from collagen in bovine bone (Bos sp.) did not cause irritation.
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