The Appropriateness Analysis of Scabies Treatment toward Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) in Songgon Public Health Center, Banyuwangi
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clinical practice guideline

How to Cite

Budi Utami, V., & Wulan, I. G. (2022). The Appropriateness Analysis of Scabies Treatment toward Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) in Songgon Public Health Center, Banyuwangi. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(1), 101-107.
Abstract viewed = 40 times
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Introduction: Scabies is an infectious ectoparasitic disease that is still a public health problem in Indonesia. There are differences in the pattern of prescribing or therapy in various health facilities.

.Aim of study: Knowing the suitability of scabies therapy against the Clinical Practice Guidelines (PPK) at the Songgon Health Center, Banyuwangi.

Method: This study uses a descriptive analysis design with a retrospective study. This study looked at the medical record data of random patients with a diagnosis of scabies from February to May 2021 at the Songgon Health Center, Banyuwangi.

Results and Discussions: Overall, there were 7 treatments given to patients with a diagnosis of scabies, which corresponded to PPK only 2 types of drugs (28%), with deviations from PPK, namely 5 types of drugs (72%). It was found that 22 respondents (56%) received 2-4 ointment therapy, 16 respondents (41%) received 5% permethrine therapy, 1 respondent (3%) did not receive definitive line therapy for scabies. The rate of non-adherence to therapy is 3% related to definitive treatment of scabies.

Conclusions:  Scabies therapy at the Songgon Health Center, Banyuwangi has not been in accordance with the Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG).
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