Formulation and Evaluation of Edible Film dosage form herbal combination used potatoes starch (Solanum tuberosum L) as a polymer with variance of sorbitol as a plasticizers


Edible Film
Herbal combination
Potatoes starch

How to Cite

Wahyuni, Y., Rikmasari, Y., & Maulidiah, R. (2021). Formulation and Evaluation of Edible Film dosage form herbal combination used potatoes starch (Solanum tuberosum L) as a polymer with variance of sorbitol as a plasticizers. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 4(1), 21-28.
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Edible film strips are a thin layer easily placed on the tongue or oral mucosal tissue, which will immediately get wet because the saliva will quickly disintegrate and dissolve. Combination herbal juice is used as an active substance made in edible film strips to increase the juice's shelf life. Edible film strips need polymers as a filmmaker, one of which is potato starch (Solanum tuberosum L). Edible film strips from starch have the disadvantage of tearing, so it needs a sorbitol plasticizer. Sorbitol concentration variations used were 0.4%, 0.7%, and 1%. This preparation was carried out with an organoleptic evaluation, friability, drying losses, pH, and disintegration. The research results on combined herbal juice edible film strips using variations in the sorbitol concentration as a plasticizer gave results that could be made into edible film strips, and potato starch could be used as a polymer in making edible film strips for combination herbal juices.


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