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Bauti Plant (Calotropis gigantea L)
Saponin Identification
Gravimetric Method

How to Cite

Noviyanty, Y., Herlina, H., & Fazihkun, C. (2020). IDENTIFICATION AND DETERMINATION OF SAPONIN LEVELS FROM BIDURROT EXTRACT (Calotropis gigantea L) USING GRAVIMETRY METHOD. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 3(2), 100-105.
Abstract viewed = 235 times
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Biduri plants (Calotropis gigantea L) are used as medicinal plants, namely as cough and anti-allergic medicines. Research conducted by (Suchita Siggn. 2014) shows the presence of glycoside compounds, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins. then the researchers are interested in carrying out research on the identification and determination of saponin levels from the extract of the baby root (Calotropis gigantea L) by the Gravimetri method. Qualitative test was carried out by inserting 500 mg of biduri root extract (Calotropis gigantea L) into a test tube, then adding 10 ml of hot water, shaking vigorously for 10 seconds and adding HCL, then a quantitative test was carried out using the gravimetric method. Based on the results of research that has been carried out the extract of the betel root (Calotropis gigante L) positive containing saponin compounds with saponin content is 2.6% with a weight of 1.16 gram saponins using the gravimetric method
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