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Larasati, S., & Jusnita, N. (2020). NANOEMULSION FORMULATION OF TURMERIC EXTRACT (Curcuma longa L.) AS AN ANTIOXIDANT. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 3(1), 33-41.
Abstract viewed = 13393 times
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Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is a plant commonly used as traditional medicine by the community. Curcumin from turmeric is known to have bioactive compounds that have antioxidant properties but have low solubility and bioavailability activity. Nanoemulsion was made to improve stability andbioavailability of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.). The preparation of nanoemulsion were use homogenization method at 30° C and 10° C. The extract concentration used was 30% and Tween 3% as an emulsifier. The results of this study indicate that the nanoemulsion particle size at a temperature of 30°C has a smaller size of 18.1 nm. The antioxidant activity of turmeric extract nanoemulsion preparations had IC50 of 31.16%, and 32.11%. This result is higher than the extract that is equal to 30.01%. Turmeric extract nanoemulsion is stable at high storage 40°C, and the solubility of nanoemulsion is increased
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