Inhibitory Test Of Lime Juice (Citrus hystrix) Shampoo On The Microsporum gypseum
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Citrus hystrix
Microsporum gypseum

How to Cite

Maimunah, S., Zega, R., & sapitri, A. (2020). Inhibitory Test Of Lime Juice (Citrus hystrix) Shampoo On The Microsporum gypseum. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 2(2), 55-62.
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The shampoo is a dosage material used as a hair cleanser and epicarp head, especially the problem of dandruff caused by fungus. Kaffir lime has the content of essential oils, flavonoids and tannins are efficacious as an antifungal. The purpose of this study was to test the shampoo of kaffir lime and to know its inhibitory power to growth of Microsporum gypseum fungus. The type of this research is experiment with using agar diffusion method. Samples studied were epicarp juice of lime and mesocarp of kaffir lime with concentration respectively 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%. Shampoo dosage evaluation tests include inhibitory test, organoleptic test, pH test, high foam test and wetting test. The results showed that the lime mesocarp juice had inhibitory at 10% (13,09 mm) concentration, 20% (14,9 mm) concentration, 30% (18,52 mm) concentration, 40% concentration (20,86 mm ) and a concentration of 50% (22.53 mm). While the results of epicarp water of lime juice have a weak inhibitory power with a concentration of 10% (5,66 mm), Concentration of 20% (7,09 mm), concentration of 30% (8,09 mm), concentration of 40% (10,19), and concentration of 50% (11,36). Effective concentration on the preparation of shampoo preparations is the concentration of 20% and 30% of the lime juice mesocarp juice. The results of the evaluation test of two anti-dandruff shampoo formulations meet the requirements of a good shampoo and have respective inhabitants of F1 (20%) has a resistance of 14,54 mm and F2 (30%) has a resistance of 19,12 mm. Both dosage preparations are anti-dandruff.
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