Test 0f Extract of Simplicia Powder Effect of Gagatan Harimau (Vitis gracilis BL.) as a Tonicum Against Male White Mice (Mus musculus)
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Gagatan Harimau Leaves
Male White Mice

How to Cite

Syamsul, D., Nurussakinah, N., Susanti, I., & Kartika, Y. (2022). Test 0f Extract of Simplicia Powder Effect of Gagatan Harimau (Vitis gracilis BL.) as a Tonicum Against Male White Mice (Mus musculus). Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 464-472. https://doi.org/10.36490/journal-jps.com.v5i2.164
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Begin; Tonic is a drug that can stimulate the body's activity so that fatigue, lethargy, can be delayed.Objective; This study aims to determine the secondary metabolites of simplicia powder from tiger stump leaves can provide an optimum tonic effect.Method; The method was carried out experimentally, motor testing was carried out by observing the swimming endurance of mice after being treated with 1%, 3%, 5% concentration of tiger stump leaf simplicia powder where caffeine was a positive control and aquadest was a negative control. This research was conducted at the Pharmacology Laboratory of the Helvetia Health Institute, Medan. The data analysis used was the one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) method and was followed by the Tukey test. Results; The results of the ANOVA test showed that the difference in swimming endurance time for each mouse was based on the increase in the concentration of water extract of tiger stump simplicia pollen with a p value of 0.000 <.05. Where excellent results are shown at a concentration of 5% with an average swimming time of 237 minutes compared to concentrations of 1% and 3%. Conclusion; Based on the test results on the observation of the swimming time of mice, the water extract of the simplicia leaf of the tiger stump can give a tonic effect when used with a certain concentration.

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