Analysis of Carbohydrate Biosynthesis Products in Dutch Eggplant Fruit from Shoot Connections Between Dutch Eggplant (Chipomandra Bataceae) and Rimbang (Solanum Torvum Swartz) in Setia Janji Village
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Chiphomandra betaceae
Solanum torvum Swartz
new plant
biosynthesis carbohydrate
change of characteristic

How to Cite

Dalimunthe, N., Rindayani, M., & Hasibuan, U. F. (2022). Analysis of Carbohydrate Biosynthesis Products in Dutch Eggplant Fruit from Shoot Connections Between Dutch Eggplant (Chipomandra Bataceae) and Rimbang (Solanum Torvum Swartz) in Setia Janji Village. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 498-504.
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Background: Dutch eggplant is a nutritious fruit that many consume, grows in the highlands, and is relatively expensive. Dutch eggplant is only used as a recreational and hedge plant, so its production results are not optimal. Dutch eggplant often produces less than optimal results because if the fruit is dense, the plant will fall due to shallow roots and brittle branches. The application of modern biotechnology is not always better than conventional biotechnology because the long-term effects cannot be predicted. Genetic changes in plants resulting from modern biotechnology do not rule out the possibility of synthesizing undesirable organic compounds because, after examination, the seeds produced contain a protein compound. To increase the quantity and quality of nutrients in the fruit, shoot grafting was carried between poison cassava plants and ordinary cassava until the production level of ordinary cassava reached 3 times and the carbohydrate content of ordinary cassava increased by 83%. Objectives: Compare the carbohydrate content of newly grafted tamarillo plants with the carbohydrate content of tamarillo without shoots (white)., and Know the changes in the characteristics of new eggplant plants after they sprout well.Method: Grafting was done by wadge technic; it is tamarillo as scion and turkey berry as rootstock. Analysis of carbohydrates was done qualitative with the Benedict method and quantitative by specific as sugar reduced with the Nelson Somogyi method using Genesys – 20 spectrophotometers. Then, the plant was researched for six months after the grafting to grow stem, branch, leaves, and fruit. Results: The analysis of carbohydrates with fruit from the new tamarillo plant and tamarillo blank showed an increase of carbohydrate value to the new tamarillo plant as big as 42,19 %. The research on the growing of the new tamarillo plant and tamarillo blank showed that the new tamarillo plant had swelled to the trace of the wound grafting; the scion was growing more significantly than the rootstock, with more branches, more fruit, and harder. Then, they didn’t have to change the shape or the color of leaves and fruits. Conclusion: The resulting research has good prospects for development because gadung samples are used as media or substrates for the growth of Bacillus sp bacteria. It turns out that it has a high level of reducing sugar, so the enzyme activity produced is satisfactory.
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