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Robusta peaberry
Green bean
Herbal cosmetic

How to Cite

Wulandari, S., & Agustin, Y. (2022). ROBUSTA PEABERRY GREEN BEAN COFFEE SEEDS : PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING, HERBAL LOTION FORMULATION. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 355-363.
Abstract viewed = 16 times
pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded = 23 times


Background : Robusta coffee beans are plants that function as antioxidants. One of the variants of Pagar Alam coffee is Peaberry Robusta coffee which has properties that can increase skin moisture. This study aims to determine the formulation of lotion preparations of ethanol extract of robusta peaberry green bean coffee in Pagar Alam city and able to increase skin moisture. The test methods include organoleptic test, pH test, homogeneity test, irritation test, dispersion test, humidity test and hedonic test. The results of organoleptic testing showed that all formulas did not change in terms of color, aroma and texture. The pH F0 test has the highest pH with an average value of 6.5. The results of the skin moisture test showed that the average value of the percentage of moisture in F2 had the highest level of skin moisture with a value of 60%. The results of the preference test for colors showed that F2 was very favored. The results of the hedonic test on aroma showed that F3 was the most preferred, the hedonic test for the most preferred texture was F3 and the results of the skin irritation test.
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