Evaluation of drug storage in the community of North Bekasi
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drug storage
North Bekasi

How to Cite

Idzni, R., Hilmi, I., & Sholih, M. (2022). Evaluation of drug storage in the community of North Bekasi. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 259-264. https://doi.org/10.36490/journal-jps.com.v5i2.144
Abstract viewed = 19 times
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When someone is sick, especially sick with mild complaints. People tend to do self-medicate before deciding to go to see professionals. These treatment actions includes a person action to obtaining drugs, using drugs, storing drugs and dispose of drugs. Storing medicine at home is an effort behavior of someone to self-medication and treatment of chronic disease. Improper storage of drugs can lead to irrational drug use, waste of health resources, and risks to human health, which is a bad impact. This study aims to identify how to store drugs in the people of North Bekasi to avoid inappropriate drug storage. The method used is descriptive analytic with instrument in the form of a questionnaire, data taken from february-april. A total of 166 respondents met the criteria, being compared to the way of storing drugs according to BPOM with the results were 83 (50.0%) respondents stored drugs properly and 83 (50.0%) respondents stored drugs poorly.

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