Isolation of Escherichia coli in Raw Water Sources and Resistance Assay for Ampicillin and Ceftriaxone
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Escherichia coli
Uji Resistensi

How to Cite

Suparno, A., Kasasiah, A., & Ratnasari, D. (2022). Isolation of Escherichia coli in Raw Water Sources and Resistance Assay for Ampicillin and Ceftriaxone. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 265-273.
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Citarum river pollution by fecal Coliform (Escherichia coli) is relatively high. Based on the results of monitoring in 2010 showed that the amount of E. coli in several areas drained by the Citarum river exceeded the Water Quality Limit (BMA), which was >1.000/100 ml. Citarum river irrigation is a source of raw water for one of the IPAM in Karawang, which is the source for most of the fulfillment of clean water for daily needs. E. coli can infect through water contamination so this condition can trigger the spread of the disease in the community. Diseases caused by bacterial infections are often treated with antibiotics. The use of antibiotics has increased tremendously in the last 5 decades, resulting in selective solid pressure and potentially triggering resistance in bacteria. This study aims to isolate E. coli and test its resistance to ampicillin and ceftriaxone antibiotics. The methods used in this study include presumptive test, confirmation test, Gram staining, and resistance testing using the Kirby-Bauer method, with the standard used in categorization referring to CLSI 2020. The results showed that E. coli isolates were still sensitive to ampicillin and ceftriaxone antibiotics with an inhibition zone of 26,16 mm and 33,27 mm.
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