Administrative, Pharmaceutical and Clinical Studies Prescription of Antihypertensive Drugs in One of the Pharmacies in Medan City for the Period October - December 2020
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antihypertensive drug

How to Cite

rusliza, vira, Neswita, E., & Razoki, R. (2022). Administrative, Pharmaceutical and Clinical Studies Prescription of Antihypertensive Drugs in One of the Pharmacies in Medan City for the Period October - December 2020. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 233-239.
Abstract viewed = 36 times
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Hypertension is a disease in which a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above standard limits, which can increase morbidity (morbidity) and death (mortality). Hypertension, this figure is likely to increase to 29.2% in 2025. This study uses a descriptive research method with a retrospective design, namely research by reviewing information or taking past data. This data was obtained from pharmacies' antihypertensive prescriptions for October–December 2020. Research on this prescription study was conducted on 46 antihypertensive drug prescriptions in October-December 2020 at pharmacies, while in October, there were 14 drug prescriptions, and in November, 16 drug prescriptions. , in December, as many as 16 prescription drugs. They observed the completeness of prescriptions based on administrative, pharmaceutical and clinical prescribing studies. The study of this recipe used parameters in the form of prescription writing guidelines, namely PERMENKES RI No. 73 of 2016, concerning the standard of pharmaceutical services in pharmacies. Many prescriptions were found not following the Regulation of the Minister of Health of Indonesia Number 73 of 2016 concerning the standards of pharmaceutical services in pharmacies. In the administrative study, only four patient prescriptions were obtained that matched the pattern of using antihypertensive drugs. While in the pharmaceutical study, 46 patient prescriptions had met the pattern of using antihypertensive drugs. Furthermore, in clinical studies, eight prescriptions met the pattern of antihypertensive drug use. The average interaction obtained from using antihypertensive drugs at the pharmacy is minor.
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