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Type 2 diabetes mellitus
, oral antidiabetics
oral antidiabetics
drug use patterns

How to Cite

Linden, S., & Erwina, W. (2022). THE USE OF ORAL ANTIDIABETIC DRUGS IN OUTPATIENT TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS AT A PRIVATE HOSPITAL, SAMARINDA. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 2014-226.
Abstract viewed = 53 times
pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded = 44 times


Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most common conditions. Therefore, the management and selection of antidiabetic treatment should be a concern in installations providing therapy as primary health care providers, such as hospitals. This study was designed to examine the choice of using oral antidiabetic drugs (ADO) in general patients in the outpatient clinic of a private hospital in Samarinda. This study was conducted using a descriptive design in which data were collected retrospectively. Data were taken from general patient prescriptions in outpatient clinic of private hospitals in Samarinda in June 2022. The results showed that in June 2022 there were 8.30% single ADO therapy and 91.70% combined therapy. From the results of the study, it was found that the ADO drugs prescribed were the biaguanida (Metformin); sulfonylureas (glimepiride, gliclazide, gliquidone); acarbose; and a DPP-4 inhibitor (Vidagliptin). Overall, combination ADO therapy using two (2) drugs was found to be the most common in this study, as many as 182 cases (75.52%). The dominating combination was the combination of metformin and glimepiride, as many as 140 cases (58.09%).
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