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Support For Health Workers
Type 2 Diabetes

How to Cite

Mulidan, M., Kaban, A., Lubis, A., & Bakti, A. (2022). FACTORS RELATING TO DIET IN IMPLEMENTING DIET IN DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS IN THE ERA OF THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC IN PANTAI GEMI VILLAGE. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 193-200. https://doi.org/10.36490/journal-jps.com.v5i2.119
Abstract viewed = 45 times
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Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a degenerative disease that is closely related to diet. A diet that has an overview of the amount, composition, and types of food eaten by each person a day. High knowledge will improve the health status of patients by carrying out appropriate treatment according to the patient's condition, if family support is not available then DM patients do not adhere to their diet if family support is good then DM patients will adhere to their diet. Factors related to diet in carrying out the diet of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus inpatients in Pantai Gemi Village. This research is an analytic observational with a Cross Sectional approach. Sampling technique using Accidental Sampling. Data analysis in this study consisted of univariate and bivariate data analysis using the chi-square test. The sample population is 60 people. The sample is 53 people. Dietary regulation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus can improve health status with the presence of health workers, patients can avoid complications.

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