Inhibitory Test of Ointment Kalanchoe pinnata leaf Extract And Aloe vera Extract
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Kalanchoe pinnata leaf
Aloe vera

How to Cite

Agusriani, A., & Halimatussa’diyah, H. (2022). Inhibitory Test of Ointment Kalanchoe pinnata leaf Extract And Aloe vera Extract. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 240-249.
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Research that uses a combination of two plants is still very rarely done here, researchers are interested in conducting tests to see how the inhibitory ability of the ointment combination of Kalanchoe pinnata leaf extract (Kalanchoe pinnata) and aloe vera leaf extract (Aloe vera) is grown and cultivated in the yard of the Department of Pharmacy, Poltekkes, Ministry of Health. Jambi. The research design used is Quasy Experimental research, that is, this design has control, but cannot function fully to control external variables that affect the experiment. This study uses the Disc Diffusion method. Where it is known that the combination of Kalanchoe pinnata leaf extract ointment and Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera .L.) leaf extract obtained an average measurement of the clear zone of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria with a percentage of F1 is 29.6 mm, F2 is 30.2 mm, F3 is 30.8 , F4 is 31.6 and F5 is 33.8 mm. The different methods can affect the optimization of the withdrawal of the active substance in the leaves of Kalanchoe pinnata and Aloe Vera leaf obtained. So it can be concluded that the combination of Kalanchoe pinnata leaf extract and Aloe Vera leaf extract has an inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria. The best formula for the formula is F5 with an inhibition zone of 33.8 mm, which is categorized as very strong.
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