Hospital is one of the workplaces of the healthcare sector which includes many aspects and human resources which are certainly at risk of causing occupational disease and work accidents. North Sumatera Lung Hospital is one of the high risk hospital, therefore the implementation of health and safety (K3RS) programs is essential. This study aims to describe the health and safety programs at North Sumatera Lung Hospital. This study used a cross sectional approach which samples were 35 employees taken by using random sampling method. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the health and safety programs at North Sumatera Lung Hospital consists of occuoational health and safety programs. The program has been implemented but has not been maximized because there are still sub-programs that have not been running effectively. The conclusion of this study is the programs has been implemented, but there are still need a program development and evaluation, so the implementation of the health and safety programs at North Sumatera Lung Hospital can work optimally
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