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How to Cite

Surbakti, C., Sinaga, T., & Sianipar, A. (2022). PROFILE OF USE OF ANTIPSYCHOTIC MEDICINES IN PATIENTS WITH MENTAL DISORDERS AT UPT. PUSKESMAS HELVETIA CITY OF MEDAN. Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 5(2), 187-192.
Abstract viewed = 73 times
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Schizophrenia is one of the psychosis disorders that mess with a person's psyche in the form of deviations in attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors. One treatment of schizophrenia is pharmacological therapy using antipsychotics to cope with symptoms that arise. The study aimed to find out the profile of antipsychotic use in schizophrenia patients in UPT. Puskesmas Helvetia Kota Medan. This research was conducted with cross-sectional descriptive methods. Method of data collection by collecting medical record data of patients with schizophrenia diagnoses who received typical and atypical antipsychotic therapy and who sought treatment at UPT. Puskesmas Helvetia Kota Medan period January 2021-June 2021 which meets the criteria of inclusion in the form of patient identity (gender, age). The number of study subjects was 204 patients. The results of the study based on characteristics of schizophrenia patients showed the number of male patients was 123 (60.3%)) more than women (81 patients (39.7%). The age group of patients in the adult age group of 36- 45 years is 45.1%. The most common antipsychotic uses were the single atypical antipsychotic group of risperidone in as many as 20 patients [9.8%], and clozapine 1 patient (0.5%). The most widely used combination antipsychotic group is the atypical antipsychotic risperidone-clozapine of 147 patients (72 %). The conclusion of the picture of the most antipsychotic use is the atypical antipsychotic group.
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